31. 12. 2013

Noel au Pays d’Alys

                                Moje LO
                                Foto Leontýna

                                GSO ... děkuji dida1357

Noel au Pays d’Alys by Kittyscrap
Overlay by Dyp design


10 komentářů:

  1. Hello Pantherka

    I wish you and your loved ones a fantastic 2014 with lots of love and happiness.

    Greetings and kisses, Joop

    thanks for all the nice comments on my blog.

  2. Hello Zdenička
    I'm back! =)
    wow this seems Wonderland
    is beautiful...

    ok, ok, ok,
    now I'm going
    happy new year!

    I wish you a wonderful night
    a big hug

  3. Metti la mano sinistra sulla spalla destra e la mano destra sulla spalla sinistra.
    Hai appena ricevuto un abbraccio a distanza. Buon 2014.

  4. Happy New Year my friend!
    xo Catherine

  5. Hola Zdênka, feliz 2014 con mis mejores deseos.
    Me encanta tu versión de Alicia, llena de imaginación y con unos bonitos colores.
    Que tengas una feliz noche.
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  6. How cute. They are filled with such wonderful color and textures.
    Happy new year.

  7. Beautiful compositions. Exquisite form in the new year !
    Thank you very much ! A champagne toast and much happiness ! Happy 2014 ! Leovi .

  8. Godt nytt år :-) og takk fort det siste.
