9. 12. 2013

We wish you

                               Moje LO
                               Foto Leontýna

                               GSO ... děkuji mummyd
                               GSO ... děkuji Patriciaj

We wish you by Angel's Designs

 Template Birthday Freebie 2013 by Eudora Designs


11 komentářů:

  1. Wow. Such nice colors. Thank you for sharing.

  2. A very happy face! Exquisite design!

  3. i like the evergreen color and the burlap texture in the first. very nice!

  4. love the green texture on the first image !
    happy day pantherka and thank you so much

  5. Hello, my beautiful friend!
    how are you? =)
    the christmas time is fantastic,
    but here, is even better, is much more special,
    wonderful designs for christmas!

    I wish you a great afternoon
    and a incredible night...
    kisses and a hug for you

  6. Muy bonitos los colores.
    Good job.

  7. Hola Zdênka, gracias por tus amables palabras.
    Me encanta la combinación de colores y ese sutil árbol de Navidad en la primera imagen, muy bonito.
    Espero que tengas una feliz semana y apacible noche.
    Te mando un fuerte abrazo.

  8. Lovely!!!
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
